Publications on Google Scholar
High-harmonic generation from artificially stacked 2D crystals
C. Heide, Y. Kobayashi, A. C. Johnson, T. F. Heinz, D. A. Reis, F. Liu, and S. Ghimire
Nanophotonics (2023)
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Floquet engineering of strongly driven excitons in monolayer tungsten disulfide
Y. Kobayashi, C. Heide, A. C. Johnson, V. Tiwari, F. Liu, D. A. Reis, T. F. Heinz, and S. Ghimire
Nature Physics (2023)
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Atom-Specific Probing of Electron Dynamics in an Atomic Adsorbate by Time-Resolved X-Ray Spectroscopy
S. Schreck, E. Diesen, M. Dell’Angela, C. Liu, M. Weston, F. Capotondi, H. Ogasawara, J. LaRue, R. Costantini, M. Beye, P. S. Miedema, J. H. Stenlid, J. Gladh, B. Liu, H.-Y. Wang, F. Perakis, F. Cavalca, S. Koroidov, P. Amann, E. Pedersoli, D. Naumenko, I. Nikolov, L. Raimondi, F. Abild-Pedersen, T. F. Heinz, J. Voss, A. C. Luntz, and A. Nilsson
Physical Review Letters 129, 276001 (2022)
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Bidirectional phonon emission in two-dimensional heterostructures triggered by ultrafast charge transfer
A. Sood, J. B. Haber, J. Carlström, E. A Peterson, E. Barre, J. D. Georgaras, A. H. M. Reid, X. Shen, M. E. Zajac, E. C. Regan, J. Yang, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, F. Wang, X. Wang, J. B. Neaton, T. F. Heinz, A. M. Lindenberg, F. H. da Jornada, and A. Raja
Nature Nanotechnology (2022)
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Symmetry-resolved CO desorption and oxidation dynamics on O/Ru (0001) probed at the C K-edge by ultrafast x-ray spectroscopy
J. LaRue, B. Liu, G. L. S. Rodrigues, C. Liu, J. A. G. Torres, S. Schreck, E. Diesen, M. Weston, H. Ogasawara, F. Perakis, M. Dell’Angela, F. Capotondi, D. Ball, C. Carnahan, G. Zeri, L. Giannessi, E. Pedersoli, D. Naumenko, P. Amann, I. Nikolov, L. Raimondi, C. Spezzani, M. Beye, J. Voss, H.-Y. Wang, F. Cavalca, J. Gladh, S. Koroidov, F. Abild-Pedersen, M. Kolb, P. S. Miedema, R. Costantini, T. F. Heinz, A. C. Luntz, L. G. M. Pettersson, and A. Nilsson
Journal of Chemical Physics 157, 164705 (2022)
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The Reststrahlen Effect in the Optically Thin Limit: A Framework for Resonant Response in Thin Media
E. Y. Ma, J. Hu, L. Waldecker, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, F. Liu, and Tony F Heinz
Nano Letters 22, 8389 (2022)
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Probing topological phase transitions using high-harmonic generation
C. Heide, Y. Kobayashi, D. R. Baykusheva, D. Jain, J. A. Sobota, M. Hashimoto, P. S. Kirchmann, S. Oh, T. F. Heinz, D. A. Reis, and S. Ghimire
Nature Photonics 16, 620 (2022)
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Probing electron-hole coherence in strongly driven 2D materials using high-harmonic generation
C. Heide, Y. Kobayashi, A. C. Johnson, F. Liu, T. F. Heinz, D. A. Reis, and S. Ghimire
Optica 9, 512 (2022)
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Optical absorption of interlayer excitons in transition-metal dichalcogenide heterostructures
E. Barré, O. Karni, E. Liu, A. L. O’Beirne, X. Chen, H. B. Ribeiro, L. Yu, B. Kim, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, K. Barmak, C. H. Lui, S. Refaely-Abramson, F. H. da Jornada, and T. F. Heinz
Science 376, 406 (2022)
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Visible Out-of-plane Polarized Luminescence and Electronic Resonance in Black Phosphorus
L. Schué, F. A. Goudreault, A. Righi, G. C. Resende, V. Lefebvre, É. Godbout, M. Tie, H. B. Ribeiro, T. F. Heinz, M. A. Pimenta, M. Côté, S. Francœur, and R. Martel
Nano Letters 22, 2851 (2022)
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Structure of the moiré exciton captured by imaging its electron and hole
O. Karni, E. Barré, V. Pareek, J. D. Georgaras, M. K. L. Man, C. Sahoo, D. R. Bacon, X. Zhu, H. B. Ribeiro, A. L. O’Beirne, J. Hu, A. Al-Mahboob, M. M. M. Abdelrasoul, N. S. Chan, A. Karmakar, A. J. Winchester, B. Kim, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, K. Barmak, J. Madéo, F. H. da Jornada, T. F. Heinz, and K. M. Dani
Nature 603, 247 (2022)
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Ultrahigh-quality infrared polaritonic resonators based on bottom-up-synthesized van der Waals nanoribbons
S.-J. Yu, Y. Jiang, J. A. Roberts, M. A. Huber, H. Yao, X. Shi, H. A. Bechtel, S. N. G. Corder, T. F. Heinz, X. Zheng, and J. A. Fan
ACS Nano 16, 3027 (2021)
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All-optical probe of three-dimensional topological insulators based on high-harmonic generation by circularly polarized laser fields
D. Baykusheva, A. Chacón, J. Lu, T. P. Bailey, J. A. Sobota, H. Soifer, P. S. Kirchmann, C. Rotundu, C. Uher, T. F. Heinz, D. A. Reis, S. Ghimire
Nano Letters 21, 8970 (2021)
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Excitons in strained and suspended monolayer WSe2
B. Aslan, C. Yule, Y. Yu, Y. J. Lee, T. F. Heinz, L. C., and M. L. Brongersma
2D Materials 9, 015002 (2021)
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Hot carrier transport limits the displacive excitation of coherent phonons in bismuth
G. Jnawali, D. Boschetto, L. M. Malard, T. F. Heinz, G. Sciaini, F. Thiemann, T. Payer, L. Kremeyer, F.-J. Meyer zu Heringdorf, and M. Horn-von Hoegen
Applied Physics Letters 119, 091601 (2021)
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Polarization flipping of even-order harmonics in monolayer transition-metal dichalcogenides
Y. Kobayashi, C. Heide, H. K. Kelardeh, A. Johnson, F. Liu, T. F. Heinz, D. A. Reis, and S. Ghimire
Ultrafast Science 2021 9820716 (2021)
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Direct observation of ultrafast hydrogen bond strengthening in liquid water
Yang, J., Dettori, R., Nunes, J. P., List, N. H., Biasin, E., Centurion, M., Chen, Z., Cordones, A. A., Deponte, D. P., Heinz, T. F., Kozina, M. E., Ledbetter, K.,, Lin, M., Lindenberg, A. M., Mo, M., Nilsson, A., Shen, X., Wolf, T. J., Donadio, D., Gaffney, K. J., Martinez, T. J., Wang, X.
Nature, 2021,596 (7873): 531-535
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Light Absorption and Emission Dominated by Trions in the Type‑I van der Waals Heterostructures
Bae, H., Kim, S., Lee, S., Noh, M., Karni, O., O'Beirne, A. L., Barre, E., Sim, S., Cha, S., Jo, M., Heinz, T. F., Choi, H.
ACS Photonics, 2021,8 (7): 1972-1978
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Signatures of moiré trions in WSe2/MoSe2 heterobilayers
Erfu Liu, Elyse Barré, Jeremiah van Baren, Matthew Wilson, Takashi Taniguchi, Kenji Watanabe, Yong-Tao Cui, Nathaniel M. Gabor, Tony F. Heinz, Yia-Chung Chang & Chun Hung Lui
Nature, 2021,594 (7861): 46-50
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Experimental measurement ofthe intrinsic excitonic wave function
Man, M. K., Madeo, J., Sahoo, C., Xie, K., Campbell, M., Pareek, V., Karmakar, A., Wong, E. L., Al-Mahboob, A., Chan, N. S., Bacon, D. R., Zhu, X., Abdelrasoul, M. M., Li, X., Heinz, T. F., da Jornada, F. H., Cao, T., Dani, K. M.
Science Advances, 2021,7(17)
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Enhanced nonlinear interaction of polaritons via excitonic Rydberg states in monolayer WSe2
Jie Gu, Valentin Walther, Lutz Waldecker, Daniel Rhodes, Archana Raja, James C Hone, Tony F Heinz, Stéphane Kéna-Cohen, Thomas Pohl, Vinod M Menon
Nature Communications, 2021/4/15,12(1):1-7
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High-Performance p-n Junction Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Photovoltaic Cells Enabled by MoOx Doping and Passivation
A Kumar, J Hong, N Lee, R Islam, CJ McClellan, O Karni, J van de Groep, TF Heinz, E Pop, ML Brongersma, KC Saraswat
Nano Letters, 2021/4/14,
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Site-Controlled Quantum Emitters in Monolayer MoSe2
Leo Yu, Minda Deng, Jingyuan Linda Zhang, Sven Borghardt, Beata Kardynal, Jelena Vučković, Tony F Heinz
Nano Letters, 2021/3/10,21(6):2376-2381
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Tuning electrical and interfacial thermal properties of bilayer MoS2 via electrochemical intercalation
Feng Xiong, Eilam Yalon, Connor McClellan, Jinsong Zhang, Ozgur Burak Aslan, Aditya Sood, Jie Sun, Christopher Michael Andolina, WA Al-Saidi, Kenneth E Goodson, Tony Heinz, Yi Cui, Eric Pop
Nanotechnology, Accepted Manuscript
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Carrier-specific dynamics in 2H-MoTe2 observed by femtosecond soft x-ray absorption spectroscopy using an x-ray freeelectron laser
Alexander Britz, Andrew R Attar, Xiang Zhang, Hung-Tzu Chang, Clara Nyby, Aravind Krishnamoorthy, Sang Han Park, Soonnam Kwon, Minseok Kim, Dennis Nordlund, Sami Sainio, Tony F Heinz, Stephen R Leone, Aaron M Lindenberg, Aiichiro Nakano, Pulickel Ajayan,
Structural Dynamics, 2021/1/13,8(1):014501
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Directly visualizing the momentum forbidden dark excitons and their dynamics in atomically thin semiconductors
Julien Madéo, Michael KL Man, Chakradhar Sahoo, Marshall Campbell, Vivek Pareek, E Laine Wong, Abdullah Al-Mahboob, Nicholas S Chan, Arka Karmakar, Bala Murali Krishna Mariserla, Xiaoqin Li, Tony F Heinz, Ting Cao, Keshav M Dani
Science, 2020/12/4,370(6521):1199-1204
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Thermal Boundary Conductance: Visualizing Energy Transfer at Buried Interfaces in Layered Materials Using Picosecond X‐Rays
Clara Nyby, Aditya Sood, Peter Zalden, Alexander J Gabourie, Philipp Muscher, Daniel Rhodes, Ehren Mannebach, Jeff Corbett, Apurva Mehta, Eric Pop, Tony F Heinz, Aaron M Lindenberg
Advanced Functional Materials, 2020/8,30(34):2070232
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High-resolution optical micro-spectroscopy extending from the near-infrared to the vacuum-ultraviolet
Eric Yue Ma, Lutz Waldecker, Daniel Rhodes, James Hone, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Tony F Heinz
Review of Scientific Instruments, 2020/7/1,91(7):073107
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Visualizing Energy Transfer at Buried Interfaces in Layered Materials Using Picosecond X‐Rays
Clara Nyby, Aditya Sood, Peter Zalden, Alexander J Gabourie, Philipp Muscher, Daniel Rhodes, Ehren Mannebach, Jeff Corbett, Apurva Mehta, Eric Pop, Tony F Heinz, Aaron M Lindenberg
Advanced Functional Materials, 2020/6/30: 2002282
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Retarded Charge–Carrier Recombination in Photoelectrochemical Cells from Plasmon‐Induced Resonance Energy Transfer
Young Moon Choi, Byoung Wan Lee, Myung Sun Jung, Hyun Soo Han, Suk Hyun Kim, Kaifeng Chen, Dong Ha Kim, Tony F Heinz, Shanhui Fan, Jihye Lee, Gi‐Ra Yi, Jung Kyu Kim, Jong Hyeok Park
Advanced Energy Materials, 2020/6, 10(22): 2000570
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Strained bilayer WSe2 with reduced exciton-phonon coupling
Ozgur Burak Aslan, Minda Deng, Mark L Brongersma, Tony F Heinz
Physical Review B, 2020/3/23, 101(11): 115305
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Revealing multiple classes of stable quantum emitters in hexagonal boron nitride with correlated optical and electron microscopy
Fariah Hayee, Leo Yu, Jingyuan Linda Zhang, Christopher J Ciccarino, Minh Nguyen, Ann F Marshall, Igor Aharonovich, Jelena Vučković, Prineha Narang, Tony F Heinz, Jennifer A Dionne
Nature Materials, 2020/2/24, 19: 534–539
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Infrared Interlayer Exciton Emission in MoS2/WSe2 Heterostructures
Ouri Karni, Elyse Barré, Sze Cheung Lau, Roland Gillen, Eric Yue Ma, Bumho Kim, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Janina Maultzsch, Katayun Barmak, Ralph H Page, Tony F Heinz
Physical Review Letters, 2019/12/13, 123(24): 247402
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Rigid Band Shifts in Two-Dimensional Semiconductors through External Dielectric Screening
Lutz Waldecker, Archana Raja, Malte Rösner, Christina Steinke, Aaron Bostwick, Roland J Koch, Chris Jozwiak, Takashi Taniguchi, Kenji Watanabe, Eli Rotenberg, Tim O Wehling, Tony F Heinz
Physical Review Letters, 2019/11/13, 123(20): 206403
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Dielectric disorder in two-dimensional materials
Archana Raja, Lutz Waldecker, Jonas Zipfel, Yeongsu Cho, Samuel Brem, Jonas D Ziegler, Marvin Kulig, Takashi Taniguchi, Kenji Watanabe, Ermin Malic, Tony F Heinz, Timothy C Berkelbach, Alexey Chernikov
Nature Nanotechnology, 2019/9, 14(9): 832-837
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Disentangling interface and bulk contributions to high-harmonic emission from solids
G Vampa, H Liu, TF Heinz, DA Reis
Optica, 2019/5/20, 6 (5): 553-556
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Zeeman-Induced Valley-Sensitive Photocurrent in Monolayer MoS2
Xiao-Xiao Zhang, You Lai, Emma Dohner, Seongphill Moon, Takashi Taniguchi, Kenji Watanabe, Dmitry Smirnov, Tony F Heinz
Physical Review Letters, 2019/3/26, 122 (12): 127401-6
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Anisotropic structural dynamics of monolayer crystals revealed by femtosecond surface x-ray scattering
I-Cheng Tung, Aravind Krishnamoorthy, Sridhar Sadasivam, Hua Zhou, Qi Zhang, Kyle L Seyler, Genevieve Clark, Ehren M Mannebach, Clara Nyby, Friederike Ernst, Diling Zhu, James M Glownia, Michael E Kozina, Sanghoon Song, Silke Nelson, Hiroyuki Kumazoe, Fuyuki Shimojo, Rajiv K Kalia, Priya Vashishta, Pierre Darancet, Tony F Heinz, Aiichiro Nakano, Xiaodong Xu, Aaron M Lindenberg, Haidan Wen
Nature Photonics, 2019/3/11, 13 (3): 425-430
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Recording interfacial currents on the subnanometer length and femtosecond time scale by terahertz emission
Eric Yue Ma, Burak Guzelturk, Guoqing Li, Linyou Cao, Zhi-Xun Shen, Aaron M Lindenberg, Tony F Heinz
Science Advances, 2019, 5 (2): eaau0073
Spatial Separation of Carrier Spin by the Valley Hall Effect in Monolayer WSe2 Transistors
Barre, E., Incorvia, J. A., Kim, S. H., McClellan, C. J., Pop, E., Wong, H. P., Heinz, T. F.
Nano Letters, 2019, 19 (2): 770−774
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An ultrafast symmetry switch in a Weyl semimetal
Sie, E. J., Nyby, C. M., Pemmaraju, C. D., Park, S. J., Shen, X., Yang, J., Hoffmann, M. C., Ofori-Okai, B. K., Li, R., Reid, A. H., Weathersby, S., Mannebach, E, Finney, N., Rhodes, D., Chenet, D., Antony, A., Balicas, L., Hone, J., Devereaux, T. P., Heinz, T. F., Wang, X., Lindenberg, A. M.
Nature, 2019, 565 (7737): 61–66
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Probing the Optical Properties and Strain-Tuning of Ultrathin Mo1–xWxTe2
Ozgur Burak Aslan, Isha M Datye, Michal J Mleczko, Karen Sze Cheung, Sergiy Krylyuk, Alina Bruma, Irina Kalish, Albert V Davydov, Eric Pop, Tony F Heinz
Nano Letters, 2018/3/21, 18 (4): 2485-2491
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Nanoscale Heterogeneities in Monolayer MoSe2 Revealed by Correlated Scanning Probe Microscopy and Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy
Kirby KH Smithe, Andrey V Krayev, Connor S Bailey, Hye Ryoung Lee, Eilam Yalon, Özgür Burak Aslan, Miguel Muñoz Rojo, Sergiy Krylyuk, Payam Taheri, Albert V Davydov, Tony F Heinz, Eric Pop
ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2018, 1 (2): 572-579
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Electrical transport across grain boundaries in graphene monolayers on SiC (0 0 0)
Xiaodong Zhou, Shuai-Hua Ji, SP Chockalingam, JB Hannon, RM Tromp, TF Heinz, AN Pasupathy, FM Ross
2D Materials, 2018, 5 (3): 031004
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Imaging CF3I conical intersection and photodissociation dynamics with ultrafast electron diffraction
Jie Yang, Xiaolei Zhu, Thomas JA Wolf, Zheng Li, J Pedro F Nunes, Ryan Coffee, James P Cryan, Markus Gühr, Kareem Hegazy, Tony F Heinz, Keith Jobe, Renkai Li, Xiaozhe Shen, Theodore Veccione, Stephen Weathersby, Kyle J Wilkin, Charles Yoneda, Qiang Zheng,
Science, 2018, 361 (6397): 64-67
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Ultrafast dynamics in van der Waals heterostructures
Jin, C., Ma, E. Y., Karni, O., Regan, E. C., Wang, F., Heinz, T. F.
Nature Nanotechnology, 2018; 13 (11): 994–1003.
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Resolving Hysteresis in Perovskite Solar Cells with Rapid Flame-Processed Cobalt-Doped TiO2
Kim, J., Chai, S., Ji, Y., Levy-Wendt, B., Kim, S., Yi, Y., Heinz, T. F., Norskov, J. K., Park, J., Zheng, X.
Advanced Energy Materials, 2018; 8 (29)
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Strain tuning of excitons in monolayer WSe2
Ozgur Burak Aslan, Minda Deng, Tony F Heinz
Physical Review B, 2018, 98 (11), 115308
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Efficient generation of neutral and charged biexcitons in encapsulated WSe2 monolayers
Ziliang Ye, Lutz Waldecker, Eric Yue Ma, Daniel Rhodes, Abhinandan Antony, Bumho Kim, Xiao-Xiao Zhang, Minda Deng, Yuxuan Jiang, Zhengguang Lu, Dmitry Smirnov, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, James Hone, Tony F Heinz
Nature Communications, 2018, 9 (1), 3718
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Enhancement of Exciton-Phonon Scattering from Monolayer to Bilayer WS2
Raja, A., Selig, M., Berghauser, G., Yu, J., Hill, H. M., Rigosi, A. F., Brus, L. E., Knorr, A., Heinz, T. F., Malic, E., Chernikov, A.
Nano Letters, 2018; 18 (10): 6135–43
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Ultrafast Graphene Light Emitters
Kim, Y., Gao, Y.,, Shiue, R., Wang, L., Aslan, O., Bae, M., Kim, H., Seo, D., Choi, H., Kim, S., Nemilentsau, A., Low, T., Tan, C., Efetov, D. K., Taniguchi, T., Watanabe, K., Shepard, K. L., Heinz, T. F., Englund, D., Hone, J.
Nano Letters, 2018; 18 (2): 934–40
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Enhancing Mo:BiVO4 Solar Water Splitting with Patterned Au Nanospheres by Plasmon-Induced Energy Transfer
Kim, J., Shi, X., Jeong, M., Park, J., Han, H., Kim, S., Guo, Y., Heinz, T. F., Fan, S.,, Lee, C., Park, J., Zheng, X.
Advanced Energy Materials, 2018; 8 (5)
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Probing the Optical Properties and Strain-Tuning of Ultrathin Mo1–xWxTe2
Aslan, O., Datye, I. M., Mleczko, M. J., Cheung, K., Krylyuk, S., Bruma, A., Kalish, I., Davydov, A. V., Pop, E., Heinz, T. F.
Nano Letters, 2018; 18 (4): 2485–91
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Two-dimensional models for the optical response of thin films
Li, Y., Heinz, T. F.
2D Materials, 2018; 5 (2): 025021
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Optical Imaging and Spectroscopic Characterization of Self-Assembled Environmental Adsorbates on Graphene
Gallagher, P., Li, Y., Watanabe, K., Taniguchi, T., Heinz, T. F., Goldhaber-Gordon, D.
Nano Letters, 2018; 18 (4): 2603–8
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Colloquium: Excitons in atomically thin transition metal dichalcogenides
Wang, G., Chernikov, A., Glazov, M. M., Heinz, T. F., Marie, X., Amand, T., Urbaszek, B.
Review of Modern Physics, 2018; 90 (2)
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